Crealde School of Art Figure Drawing Class

I just finished my third class at Crealde! This class was all about figure drawing. My teacher was an artist named Berto, he's pretty big in the art community down in Orlando. His work is so amazing that I aspire to be an artist like him someday. The Crealde School of Art is a non-profit arts organization in Winter Park Florida that started in 1975. It’s open to people of all ages, and there are a ton of classes that you can just choose from. You can take anything you want ranging from pottery to photography to drawing and painting.

I needed more figure drawing to add to my portfolio to get into the Character Animation Program at UCF. So I decided to take this class. For this one, we worked strictly with charcoal powder. The whole basis of the class was to cover the entire paper in charcoal powder, and then draw on top of that. From there you shade in the dark areas, and pull out with a shammy all of the light spots. It's basically an easy way to get the base tone you want and either go up or down rather than starting light and getting darker and darker. We did quick 15 second to two minute sketches for the warm up. With each new pose, we would take our shammy and erase it all back to the base value and start over so we really didn’t keep anything. I did end up bringing in more paper so I can start keeping a few that I really liked.